Not dead...

455 entries
June 02, 2008
Where are the revolutionaries?
Through the prisim of another thread I can see everything wrong in the world.

And I'm left wondering where are the revolutionaries?
Why am I part of the silent majority?
How did we allow these things to happen?
Wheres the anger?
Wheres the outrage?

I can't put into words all that I'm feeling right now.

I …
May 17, 2008
MD5 Renderer... again... part 2
So, it turns out I suck at both using CML and Quaternions [grin]

A quick change of code and tada! Everything works perfectly now, yay!

Next stop; textures and the correct lighting...
May 17, 2008
MD5 Renderer... again...
So, having settled upon doing some D3D10 stuffs last weekend I decided to dive in at the deep end and remake my Doom3 MD5 renderer again in D3D10; this time even animating the thing on the GPU which was a step I never got around to doing.

My inital steps however didn't go that well; while getting a …
May 14, 2008
Welcome to the game industry...
We are in 'alpha' phase at work right now, thus far it's been going well with everyone leaving work on time, or early in some cases, however due to last minute bugs and general iffy feedback from the publisher a minor 'crunch' has kicked in.

Normally I leave between 6pm and 6:30pm, depending on work…
May 08, 2008
Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy...
A number of months ago, maybe over a year ago in fact, I was tossing around the idea of a tower defense style game but played over an open landscape where you had to defend a city.

At the time this idea generated some intrest and I was (and still am) fully intending to make it at some point however …
May 07, 2008
Game in the press...
So, I go home for a weekend and when I come back I find out our game as has been announced by Sony at their PlayStation Day in Europe;


So, I can finally at least say what I'm working on, heh
April 19, 2008
Render To Texture Goodness
One of the things which is a slight pain when doing Render-To-Texture on D3D9 hardware with OpenGL is that when you have multiple render targets all the targets must be the same size and colour format.

The size requirement isn't a horrible problem, often you want lots of buffers the same size. Howev…
April 17, 2008
Comments? Madness!
I think I'm losing it...

// Deals with the camera movement and general offset madness.
// madness?
// This.
// Is.
// **project name**!

The thing is, this felt natural to write... I blame MaulingMonkey...
April 15, 2008
Just some Stuffs
Just a short entry for now;

Over the weekend I did a bit of work on Bonsai, mostly adding a Render Surfaces type interface allowing you to request a texture to render to and then use that as a destination for drawing or a source for texturing later.

This lead to the discovery that some of my coordina…
April 11, 2008
Oh Codewarrior.. how I hate you so..
Thursday evening, not long from finishing work, I wander over to another part of the room to find one of my fellow coders having trouble with some lighting.

He is trying to debug things however it appears that the dot product function isn't working. We looked at it for a few moments, decided somethi…
April 03, 2008
On Pair Programming Part 2
The pair programming experience has continued at work, as it was always going to, and the third day was probably the better of the four so far.

While things did seem to go smoothly it also served to highlight another slight, although not earth shatteringly bad, issue with pair programming; schedulin…
April 01, 2008
On Pair Programming
Anyone who has been around software engineering for any amount of time has heard the terms 'XP' and 'Agile' thrown around; development methodology which forgoes the normal 'up front' design of many traditional software design practices in favour of short iterations of code moving towards a set of g…
March 29, 2008
Domains and Games
December 1999; The web was still a wild place, domain names were expensive and hosting cost alot for very little. However, the cost of domain had come down a bit and flushed with cash and not long from my next student loan payment I brought and so began my presense on the w…
March 26, 2008
Lost Odyssey
So, as many of you might know I'm living in Brighton, however most of the people I know are back in Ipswich which is a good few hours away on the train making it a tad impractical to get back often; GBP50 return is a bit steep and then there is the added bother of not being able to get back during …
March 20, 2008
Bit of a grab bag of stuff...

As I stood at the top floor of the building were I work waiting for the lift a though occured to me; we've had lifts now for about 2,000,000 years and yet people still don't know how to use them properly.

The main problem is people who, upon getting to the lift push BOTH buttons and then compla…
March 07, 2008
Game Mind Virus

void WATGame::Lose()
m_YouLostTheGame = true;

It's putting little things like this in my code at work which makes me giggle [grin]
March 07, 2008
The Failure of Steam.
Before I start I just want to say that as a platform I love the idea of Steam, more so now since it appears anyone can get on board and use it for their games, however I've encoutered now two failures, both of which aren't Steam's fault directly however both of which have been a tad annoying/stupid…
February 21, 2008
Time to kill
As my body is being dodgy, sleep wise, right now I find myself with some time to kill so rather than use up all my reading material for work I'm going to waffle slightly.


Bonsai got a bit of a refactor/rewrite at the weekend; I extracted all the FFP stuff into it's own source file (ie most of …
February 06, 2008
Zoe Mode - Day something...
Tuesday we had a coders meeting at work, basically to touch base, discuss how things are going, what people have learnt and do a quick code review of someones work.

During the meeting I floated an idea I'd had to improve our inhouse scripting system (basically I was looking for a way to reduce my wo…
February 03, 2008
Making new technolgy do old things :D
Bitmap fonts are about the most simple method of putting text on the screen; select a section of a texture, map it to a quad and bish-bash-bosh, done.

Of course, just because it works doesn't mean we can't play with it a bit now that hardware can do more [grin]

So, lets take a look at Bonsai's text p…
January 30, 2008
Zoe Mode - Day 10
Today was new scrum day, work was divided up and teams formed, I believe tomorrow we might well be moving desks as well, but I'll find out about that once I get in.

Logically I get to continue work on what I've already done, although this is a slight 'hmmmm' as I've pretty much done all the logic wo…
January 27, 2008
Replies and SVN
So, first off thanks to everyone for the replies to the last entry [smile]

One does warrent a reply;
Quote:Original post by ukdm
Is Zoe Mode's standard day 10am - 6:30pm or do they have a bit of flex so you can get in at 9 and work till 5:30 if you want? Most place I have worked offer a bit of a choic…
January 26, 2008
To the games industry... and beyond!

If it seems like a while since I updated this, then you'd be right, it's been a while [grin]

Between my last entry and this a number of things have changed in Life De Le Phantom and now I've got some time to breath I figure it would be a good time to mutter about it for a bit for your general a…
January 11, 2008
GTL3 Update and "Things"
You can tell when GD has been down for a while, there is a surge in journal posts as people dump their brains.

Before I get into mine I recommend you read mittens', because he has given the best explaination of what it's like to play Geometry wars I could imagine.... go on, I'll wait for you to come…
January 06, 2008
GTL3 Beta 1 Release
After much putting it off GTL3 Beta 1 is offically in the wild yay!

Download it here

This is a source code only release and requires Boost 1.34 for various 'things'. If you have boost in your path is should just compile and go. (Boost binaries from here.

Windows only right now and untested with x64, I…
January 06, 2008
GTL 3 - MSVC Beta release time?
A few refinements have been made today;

Firstly I was treating async IO file reading wrong; I was treating a non-zero return from ReadFile() as an error, which is true normally but in AIO mode the 'error' is 'IO operation pending'. The net result was it was causing my Async loads to fail with an err…
January 05, 2008
GTL3 marches on
In a flurry of activity last night I added remote downloading of textures; right now it only works with http or ftp requests but as i'm using libcurl I can pretty much deal with anything; I probably need to refine my 'is this a url?' detection; I wonder if ':' is a valid character in any file syste…
January 04, 2008
GTL3 - nearly done?
My plan for GTL3 was to have at least a beta release sorted for Xmas; given that we are 4 days into 2008 I thnk we can say I missed it, although given that manicness which has been job hunting I'm not overly surprised by this.

As I mentioned in my last entry, DXT4/5 flipping was being a bit of a pa…
January 02, 2008
GTL3 DXTn Flipping Cont.
So, after some half decent TF2 playing I decided to work on a few of the bugs in the GTL3 DXTn flipping routines.

The problems with the DXT1 flipping turned out to be a matter of maths errors on my part mostly; generally I was skipping too many bits, or not enough and it was all going a bit wrong.

January 02, 2008
Happy New And why haven't you gone yet?
So, New Year... yeah.

I saw in the new year the way every self respecting gamer should; playing TF2 with 31 other people who had effective decided to say 'screw this going out lark!' and sat on a server fragging each other.

Not my best NYE/NY (that goes to the time I ended up crashing a party with a…

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