I can has collisions

Published September 08, 2011
So I clicked Save instead of Publish on the last post... I'm such a noob sometimes.

Last development session felt very productive. I fixed a highly annoying networking bug - it finally irritated me so much I couldn't ignore it any longer. Turns out I'd missed setting an event somewhere and coincident timing issues would cause it to randomly drop out. Much better now!

Also, the collision detection algorithm finally worked correctly, after several prototypes and iterations. I felt like I'd been working on it forever, and my desk has been inundated in scraps of paper illustrating various aspects of it. Who knew colliding and physics with a spherical grid would get so complicated. Okay, don't answer that. So after I showed the results to the Mrs, I pulled up the file history in tortoiseHg and looked - nope, not forever. Only two days. But they were two long days!

I'm tired of looking at wireframes - I've started coding the solid/textured world, along with a mode switch allowing me to switch back to wireframe for various test purposes. So I guess that's next on the agenda. Along with a few dozen other things...
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