Against The Mountain - Devlog DAY 52

Published November 27, 2021

So another quick little update, without screenshots or clips. I fixed the Wall Running component. Finally it only wallruns on 90 degree walls.

The way I approached it at first is to have a Get All Actors with Tag on a Blueprint that is designated as a wall-run-able asset. The player character had to check that, if jumping and near a wall, that wall is wall-run-able.

But I learned that Get All Actors with Tag (along with Get All Actors From Class with Tag) is computationally expensive. It does what it says it does: it calls ALL actors. So if I have 100 wallrunable assets and I only want to jump on one of them, it will call ALL of them to check. So that's a no-go.

So, while going through the script, I realised that the value in range for the degrees at which the player character can run on is 0.50 degrees, give or take. The natural solution was to change the value to a significantly smaller value. Iterating through values, I settled on 0.00001 degrees deviation, give or take. And it worked... just like that. Testing it, I found that 99% of the issues were solved (basically, no uninteded wallrunning), except for a small part when using the grappling hook. At the end, when the player reaches the target, for a small microsecond, the player character detects the model used as a tree stump for the grappling hook target and bounces slightly off. That issue will be fixed once the placeholder asset is replaced by a tree stump that does not have a 90 degree angle in the mesh itself.

That's all I've got for now, see ya in the next post, bye.

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grappling hooks are always fun

November 27, 2021 11:47 PM

Thank you, ampdesigns.

November 27, 2021 11:53 PM
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