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New Idea So Be afraid! Hell-Fire's

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30 comments, last by Fake_Impersonation 22 years, 2 months ago
There''s a difference between being creative and simply being misinformed. Ignoring proper gramatical structure isn''t creative at all.

Being correct in such an important aspect is rather vital. It has nothing to do with marketing strategies. It''s simply treating the gamers with a degree of respect. What''s the point of treating them like idiots and assuming they won''t catch such details?

In addition, I''d be severely saddened if such a thing as horribly mangling the title could ever be labeled as brilliant. Unfortunately, in this sickly ignorant society, one never knows...
Just a quick point: I agree on the grammar issue.

Call a game "Hell-Fire''s", and I''ll just stare and wonder "hell-fire''s what?" I can already picture myself downloading a demo just to see what the apostrophe was for, but never buying the game.

Hellfires? Hell''s Fire? Hellfire? Hell''s Bells?
[font "arial"] Everything you can imagine...is real.
And here was me, thinking it had something to do with the 18th century English amoral Hellfire club...
I actually got sleepy reading his post.

Hmm. Why not: To Hell with the Fire''s
Same stuff only longer. Hehehe.

I bet that the game would be as confusing as the first post

WAIT''S A''S MINUTE''S... that would RAWK''S... would''nt it?

"Self awareness is the interaction between 3 different parts of your brain. The Cog, the Left and the Right side of you brain..."
ok, all gramatical BS asside.. WTF is the great idea you hinted at? All I can see is a lot of incomprehensible babbling tripe. Oh, you want an island with levels and monsters... ok.. so you have a boring, small, and mostly unmentionable world to set your game in. Congrats. You have different charachter classes... wow. I''m impressed.. ok no.. I''m not actually. I''m sure it could just be a communication error with your post. It seems that you are using definitions of "new" and "creative" that fall closer to my definitions for the phrases "same old crap" and "I am the greatest programmer in the world! Worship my Hello World program!" Even if you actually CAN make this thing, of which I have doubts, I highly suggest hiring some marketing staff if you want any funding. Do NOT give the presentation to any company willing to fund it yourself. Have someone else do it, because "you have not so much brains as earwax" as Shakespear would say.

"Hellfire" is an add-on pack to Diablo. Choose a different name.
May i just ask wots wrong with evryone on this board...to create a total orginal game you would have to go back a hundred years or so to be the first on to create a game.(Idea time travel and put my idea in the 1800''s)
Oh i never said i coul program this a a story based forum remember. It seems to me your the one who thinks hes so great and everything.
And it is not the same old crap once I finished i''m hoping it won''t be anyway...if it is then you win.. i''m a big fat losers..but big deal at least i tried and that wot matters to me. I just thought for 1 sec that maybe this board could be for helping me but i must have been wrong its just so people can put you down and think you''ll never make it as a writer/ programmer by the time you leave school.
Maybe you should be ashamed of your selves picking on one person cause he had an idea. or maybe i should because i was wrong and somehow people think that i''m amazing.

If you read the title you''ll see its a bit of a joke cause of the be afriad part its sayin that my idea is something to be afriad of because its so bad. Maybe one day i''ll finish my idea and try to make it make more sense.

AS for my english it is my fault i''m a rem ok english has never been my strong point i''m better at french than i am at my own languages english and welsh.

I guess in a way you could take the title to be: The Fire''s (belonging to) of hell.

I may as well give up now before i start and leave all my dreams behind me...maybe become a binman....

Well post more flames (maybe if you feel like it in your heart some...CONSTUCTIVE CRITISM) so by the time i come form practising in my band (I''m Vocals...) i can be more depresses.

But I never said i or my idea was great maybe you should read next time.

What we percieve to be Free Will may only be our Fate...Planet Earth is Blue and there''s nothing we can do...

quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
ok, all gramatical BS asside.. WTF is the great idea you hinted at? All I can see is a lot of incomprehensible babbling tripe. Oh, you want an island with levels and monsters... ok.. so you have a boring, small, and mostly unmentionable world to set your game in. Congrats. You have different charachter classes... wow. I''m impressed.. ok no.. I''m not actually. I''m sure it could just be a communication error with your post. It seems that you are using definitions of "new" and "creative" that fall closer to my definitions for the phrases "same old crap" and "I am the greatest programmer in the world! Worship my Hello World program!" Even if you actually CAN make this thing, of which I have doubts, I highly suggest hiring some marketing staff if you want any funding. Do NOT give the presentation to any company willing to fund it yourself. Have someone else do it, because "you have not so much brains as earwax" as Shakespear would say.


Wot is wrong with you don''t even know me and yet you abuse me as if i am your worse enemy or your a just a bully form my past.

I know this isn''t set out in a manner to do a presentation it was meant to be i just stuck my ideas on paper until things come together its called work in progress.

But of course my god you can create games with out progress and the production process.

I never said i would make this game.

Why don''t you pick on the person with the title (MY ORGINAL RPG) he''s the one thinkin he is orginal have i mention the word orginal in my title or 1st post...NO youre the idiot not me you should think with your divine brain maybe before you type gods must not be used to advanced technolgy and mere mortal people way of trying to improve.


What we percieve to be Free Will may only be our Fate...Planet Earth is Blue and there''s nothing we can do...

True, some of the remarks were quite harsh, but at least they were honest. That''s the one thing a writer always wants. For their audience to be truthful with them when it comes to the quality of their work. Like if I gave my best friend my so-called "masterpiece" and he thought it was complete shit. I''d rather he tell me how he honestly felt about it so I would reconsider my approach.

That doesn''t mean he''s right. Hell, it doesn''t mean that WE are right. It just means that we told you how we felt and didn''t fuck around with you. We honestly didn''t think that your idea was original or very good in the first place. Hell, you know it''s a bad sign if even the title annoyed us.

What I''m trying to say is that, as a writer, when you ask for people''s input, you can only go by what people say so far. Some ideas DO sound stupid when you summarize them. That doesn''t mean that your vision sucks. You just gotta take what we said and either build on it or start over.

Overall, before you start bashing us, consider if you would rather we had lied to you and told you it was good and had potential, or told you flat out that it was a boring idea that we have collectively heard time and time again.
Listen, don''t take it so hard if people criticize your work.

First of all, I only meant to point out a grammatical error so you could fix it; I''m sure I''m not the only person who gets turned off by this stuff, and it would be a shame for people to skip by your game because of something that could be so easily remedied.

Secondly, most of the threads that start up here about ''new'' games and ''new'' stories get bashed. Partly because they''re usually not really that innovative, and partly because it''s easy to criticize other people when their ideas are not expressed clearly. But, having said that, I don''t bother answering 90% of these types of posts because it''s usually a waste of time. If people are bothering to answer you, take it as a sign that they genuinely want to help. It may seem like the kind of help your parents are trying to give you when they ground you, but in the long run I think you''ll see it''s beneficial.

Most people think they have an original way of doing things. A lot of people actually do. A lot of people just think they do. If I came in here touting an original idea and people showed me that it wasn''t really as original as I had believed, I''d take that experience and use it to create something truly unique. So, that''s what you should do! Don''t take it personally...we don''t know you so our criticism is not of you personally but of the idea. Because frankly, if you don''t want to know people''s opinions (both good and bad) then don''t post your ideas in here.

When your mom says to you ''That''s nice dear...good job.'', she''s being a mom but that doesn''t really help. True criticism helps you to see the weaknesses of your ideas, and fix them, so that next time you come back your ideas will be even stronger, as will your conviction.

So suck it up man. You''re not the first to have his idea smashed or picked apart, and you won''t be the last. Chalk it up to experience and head back to the drawing board...

That''s just the way I see it, anyways.

_________________________The Idea Foundry

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