
Assassin Cameo of the Week (ACOTW)

Started by July 26, 2000 08:47 AM
199 comments, last by Magic Card 24 years ago
b) smileysex
c) specular lightosis

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The Specular Lightosis Research Fund
-----Jonas Kyratzes - writer, filmmaker, game designerPress ALT + F4 to see the special admin page.
come on, another 9 posts !

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The Specular Lightosis Research Fund
-----Jonas Kyratzes - writer, filmmaker, game designerPress ALT + F4 to see the special admin page.

Prepare for a long post to give bassy an idea ...

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Assassin Cameo of the Week (ACOTW)

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Author Topic : Assassin Cameo of the Week (ACOTW)
Magic Card

From: MA, USA

Posted - 26 July 2000 9:47:11 AM
The ACOTW is a special thing I''ve put up on my site, instead of that horrible "get the idea" shot I made. Once a week for the next 14 weeks I will be posting a picture and a description of one of each of the 14 assassins in my 2002-04 release, GAMMA HUNTER. This week is this guy:

For more info on this wreckless assassin, visit my website:

I will also put the picture of each week''s assassin on this topic, but you need to go to the site for descriptions.

Street Gang soon...
Gamma Hunter later...
DanAvision FOREVER!
This message posted by: Magic Card

Edited by - Magic Card on 7/26/00 8:51:22 AM


From: Otoh Gunga, Naboo

Posted - 28 July, 2000 8:38:30 AM
I''m not trying to offend you, but the graphics look a bit silly.Try changing their faces or at least their hair.
Oh, and is that a lightsaber ?

This Day All Gods Die


From: Land or sea? You be the judge.

Posted - 30 July, 2000 4:09:28 AM
I actually quite like them... if the game''s fun, stange graphics just might make it worth playing! But of course, I couldn''t draw/render my way out of my hat.... that''s what I get others to do for me...



Posted - 30 July, 2000 4:22:11 AM
I am the man in that screenshot. Please do not laugh, I have a horrible disease known as "SpecularLightosis" - its a very rare disease.


From: MA, USA

Posted - 30 July, 2000 4:26:44 AM
Hey, man... that''s not funny. My brother died that way...

Are you aware that the people who bring you television actually refer to it openly as "programming?"



Posted - 30 July, 2000 4:28:46 AM
Dont listen to this hate monger! SpecularLightosis isnt fatal! Hes just trying to spread fear and intolerance! I don''t carry that lightsaber and gun just to look cool you know.

Edited by - Caffeine on July 30, 2000 4:38:32 AM


From: Land or sea? You be the judge.

Posted - 30 July, 2000 4:30:31 AM


From: A.C.T., Australia

Posted - 30 July, 2000 6:43:01 AM
well, this is one of those more entertaining threads .

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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The Senshi


Posted - 30 July, 2000 10:30:12 AM
I too suffer from specular lightosis. But I say, we shall not sit, cowering in the dark! We shall step forward and shine!

Edited by - The Senshi on July 30, 2000 10:41:37 AM


From: A.C.T., Australia

Posted - 30 July, 2000 10:32:29 AM
I actually suffer from a related illness called phong lightosis and apparently can create some quite amazing reflections. It should be noted that I am not bald so this is not the cause, but I do have a rather ambient glow about me not to mention some specular thrown in for good measure

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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Magic Card

From: MA, USA

Posted - 30 July, 2000 9:46:55 PM
Yeah, that''s why I took that "screenshot" down, so none of you sick people would have to suffer even more. God I''m an idiot. One program for one thing. One program for one thing-

Anyway, I have the second one up. This is him:

Part Islam, part Hindi. He cool?

Also, for all you people going "Oh he''s never going to be able to do this he''s too young and doesn''t know how to program" relax. I''m making another game called Mission: I Could Do It If I Wanted To programmed completely in C++ for practice. For more info visit my site:

Edited by - Magic Card on July 30, 2000 9:51:49 PM



Posted - 30 July, 2000 9:54:11 PM
That last guy looks like the gay dominatrix at the SpecularLightosis bars.


"No, You may not. Mainly cause I don''t have any hands."

Edited by - Caffeine on July 30, 2000 9:58:24 PM


From: A.C.T., Australia

Posted - 30 July, 2000 11:55:52 PM
I like the beard... it is a beard right?

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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The Senshi


Posted - 31 July, 2000 10:30:02 AM


That last guy looks like the gay dominatrix at the SpecularLightosis bars.


"No, You may not. Mainly cause I don''t have any hands."


I take offense to that. I am the man in the picture. Please think before you post something that inconsiderate.

BTW, I have no hands because my specular lightosis seared my hands off.

Whenever I see an old lady slip and fall on a wet sidewalk, my first instinct is to laugh. But then I think, what if I was an ant and she fell on me? Then it wouldn''t seem quite so funny.


From: Belgium

Posted - 31 July, 2000 10:34:11 AM
This is SO incredibly offtopic that I''m crippled on the floor laughing my ass off


You may continue...


Give me one more medicated peaceful moment.
~ (V)^|) |<é!t|-| ~
ERROR: Your beta-version of Life1.0 has expired. Please upgrade to the full version. All important social functions will be disabled from now on.

The Senshi


Posted - 31 July, 2000 10:53:55 AM


This is SO incredibly offtopic that I''m crippled on the floor laughing my ass off


I don''t there is anything funny about my condition. Please, unless you have something to add to the conversation, don''t post.

There''s so much intolerance in the world

Whenever I see an old lady slip and fall on a wet sidewalk, my first instinct is to laugh. But then I think, what if I was an ant and she fell on me? Then it wouldn''t seem quite so funny.

Paul Cunningham

From: NSW, Australia

Posted - 31 July, 2000 10:59:24 AM
They could either be one or two this to me:
1. Legomen or
2. One of those balloon tricks.

But i can''t see any finger prints, why? Wheres the finger prints, i want to know, please tell me.

I love Game Design and it loves me back.

Our Goal is "Fun"!


From: CA, US

Posted - 31 July, 2000 3:43:59 PM
i like the first guy much more. maybe its the moustache...maybe its the lightsaber(how does he hold it without hands?)...maybe its the blue camoflage shirt...but something just whispers in my ear "weeble-wobble". can you hear it?

keep em coming Magic Card! i love it!!


Dak Lozar

From: VenuSoft Inc, USA

Posted - 31 July, 2000 3:58:23 PM
I''m not knocking your 3d rendering... just adding to the humor that they have seemed to erupt.

I think they look like 3d stick men, you know the ones you use to draw in your school books???

Dave "Dak Lozar" Loeser


From: Ireland / France

Posted - 31 July, 2000 5:04:15 PM
one word : PLAYMOBIL.

but personnaly, I love the LEGO. Actually, the LEGO games are absolutely cool ! I mean the graphics, the way they did all this on a computer and it still looks ... mmm ... just like the one I have in a big box.

youpla :-P

Anonymous Poster


Posted - 1 August, 2000 1:53:11 AM
The guy in the second screenshot looks like he could be a member of the Village People.


From: A.C.T., Australia

Posted - 1 August, 2000 2:04:45 AM
LOL Anon! That is the funniest thing I have heard all day... Looks like A budget version of those guys off Interstate ''76

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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Paul Cunningham

From: NSW, Australia

Posted - 1 August, 2000 3:01:32 AM
Then there''s bill from the goodies

I love Game Design and it loves me back.

Our Goal is "Fun"!

The Senshi


Posted - 1 August, 2000 11:06:59 AM
I take offense to your assertion that I could be a member of the village people. I am not, and never have been a member of the village people. I am a member of the Backstreet Boys, however.

Please, do not make fun of my attire. It is the only way to control my Specular Lightosis.

Thank you.

Whenever I see an old lady slip and fall on a wet sidewalk, my first instinct is to laugh. But then I think, what if I was an ant and she fell on me? Then it wouldn''t seem quite so funny.



Posted - 1 August, 2000 11:10:38 AM
Okay, I think its time to stop beating this dead horse before PETA raids our houses.

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The Specular Lightosis Research Fund
-----Jonas Kyratzes - writer, filmmaker, game designerPress ALT + F4 to see the special admin page.
Oh, this is an attempt to create a new "Oh, no" thread...

Oke, I''m with you...

Ummm... Specular Lightosis? It is a very rare and fatal disease

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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baskuenen, do you have any slogans ? We really need some.

Join the Game Developers SiteRing !

The Specular Lightosis Research Fund
-----Jonas Kyratzes - writer, filmmaker, game designerPress ALT + F4 to see the special admin page.
Oke, I can''t hold it no more, I''m gonna take a look now...Specular Lightosis eh...

No dwarf...SP is NOT FATAL, as mentioned before by Caffeine. Again, PLEASE do not start spreading rumors!

Founder of SLRF

Sorry I can''t come up with any slogans at the moment...I should be getting to bed...My brain feels heavy but is almost empty (always is)...need sleep...ZZZzzz...

My brain feels heavy but is almost empty (always is)...need sleep...ZZZzzz...
That could be a slogan !

Join the Game Developers SiteRing !

The Specular Lightosis Research Fund
-----Jonas Kyratzes - writer, filmmaker, game designerPress ALT + F4 to see the special admin page.

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