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Chronicles of the Hieroglyph

Building Hieroglyph 3, a Direct3D 11 based engine that will be available open sourced shortly...
316 entries
Jason Z
August 29, 2012
Back in the Game
My goodness, how time flies when you are having fun. I have been in a perpetual state of crunch for the past few months, and somehow strangely all of my open topics have cleared up all at the same time I'm looking forward to jumping back into development work, especially related to Hieroglyph 3.…
Jason Z
April 21, 2012
Hieroglyph 3 and Metro Apps
Getting Started

My overall goal as mentioned in my last entry is to get Hieroglyph 3 operational in a Metro style app. In an ideal world, I would want to have the complete library running in both "Desktop" mode (i.e. Win32 applications) and also in "Metro" mode (i.e. WinRT applications). However,…
Jason Z
April 16, 2012
Back to developing... for Windows 8!
After a fairly long hiatus from posting here (mostly due to moving back to the U.S. from Germany), I am getting back into the development swing of things. Over the past couple weeks, I have been doing lots of work on Hieroglyph 3, and the community around the engine seems to be picking up a bit of…
Jason Z
January 13, 2012
Kinect Coordinate Spaces
Last time around I showed some preliminary images of my work on getting the Kinect up and running. While it was a good starting point, I have been working over the past week or so to better understand how all of the Kinect sensor information is collected, and then to build up a decent basis for ma…
Jason Z
December 31, 2011
Kinect Programming: Foreword
I have been planning for some time to do some writing about my adventures working with the Kinect. It has been a long time coming, but I have finally been able to start making some progress with this effort. While I haven't completed enough work for a full article, I thought I would displ…
Jason Z
December 28, 2011
Using Hieroglyph 3 (and D3D11) with MFC
I spent some of the Christmas vacation building a sample program for Hieroglyph 3 that shows how to use it within an MFC application. Several users of the library were asking for information about how to implement such an application, and I have worked with MFC a little before, so I dove into the …
Jason Z
December 18, 2011
Kinect Programming with Direct3D 11
Those of you who follow the Hieroglyph 3 development on its codeplex page may have noticed that I have added a new sample project: KinectPlayground. Hieroglyph 3 was created as a Direct3D 11 framework, and all of its samples up until now have all been used to demonstrate some technique or algorith…
Jason Z
November 28, 2011
Smart Pointers Aren't Always So Smart
The title may seem more controversial than I really intend, but I think it fits with the situation that I have recently encountered. I was going through each of the sample applications in Hieroglyph 3 after applying a user supplied patch, and I noticed that the frame rate of the MirrorMirror sampl…
Jason Z
November 04, 2011
Resizing D3D11 Windows
I've spent the better part of the last week or so working on getting the Hieroglyph 3 code base set up to respond to window sizing events. It is substantially easier to resize a window (in the rendering world this is equivalent to resizing a swap chain) in D3D11 than it used to be in D3D9, but the…
Jason Z
October 14, 2011
Grouping D3D11 Pipeline State
After using Hieroglyph 3 for a while now, and especially after doing some refactoring of the sample programs, I have had a chance to revisit some of the design choices that I made while building the library. Some things work extraordinarily well, and some things not so much... But after gaining m…
Jason Z
October 03, 2011
Advancing Render Views
It has been a really busy couple of weeks... Between trying to watch as many of the BUILD sessions as possible, downloading and trying out Windows 8, also doing some traveling (we were in Berlin for the weekend), plus actually doing some work on Hieroglyph 3, I have been really burning the midnigh…
Jason Z
September 17, 2011
What to do with Direct3D 11.1?
[font="Arial, sans-serif"][size="2"][heading]Direct3D 11.1 New Features (Part I)[/heading]
With some new details of Direct3D 11.1 becoming available over the past couple of days, there are some interesting new capabilities being built into the API. The two new additions that seem to provide big …
Jason Z
September 10, 2011
Updating to VS2010
I have wanted to update to Visual Studio 2010 for Hieroglyph for quite some time. Ultimately, several people asked for VS2010 support on the codeplex website, so I finally took the time to convert the projects from VS2008. That, plus I had a long layover when flying back from Spain, so I had to d…
Jason Z
September 04, 2011
Hieroglyph 3 Website
For a variety of different reasons, I am building a website for Hieroglyph 3. It has been a long time coming, and I am starting to get involved more and more in web programming, so the task seems appropriate for me right now. The site is based on WordPress, and is currently being put together…
Jason Z
July 31, 2011
Building a Contest in Hieroglyph
After being unusually quiet lately, I have finally managed to get some time to post about what I've been up to. At work, I've been introduced to the amazingly simple world of web services which is great - I have wanted to do some web programming for a long time, and this has satisfied that need. …
Jason Z
July 03, 2011
User Notifications in Hieroglyph 3
The final big ToDo in my list of Hieroglyph updates that were accumulated while writing our book was to add a better error handling system. There were many occasions where a shader would not compile properly, which basically caused a crash or a null pointer exception. In most cases, data is logge…
Jason Z
June 29, 2011
Describing Hieroglyph 3
I've been spending some time lately writing a document that describes the rendering process for Hieroglyph 3. To be perfectly honest, I jotted down an outline and thought that I would have the document written in a matter of a couple days, but it has been really quite an involved document to write…
Jason Z
June 19, 2011
Direct3D 11 Programming Tip #9: Append and Consume Buffers
[font="Arial, sans-serif"][size="2"]It has been quite some time since I wrote my last Direct3D 11 Programming Tip, and its about time to add another one...

Many interesting and useful features have been added to Direct3D 11. As far as the available resources go, one can argue that the Append/Cons…
Jason Z
June 13, 2011
Rendering Text in Parallel
After spending some time with the parameter system updates described previously (here and here), I have turned my attention to a few other improvements in the sample frameworks. During the development of our book and the corresponding samples for it, there was …
Jason Z
June 03, 2011
Windows 8 and Tablets
[subheading]The Windows 8 Story[/subheading]
As I am sure you have all at least heard by now, Microsoft announced some details about Windows 8. Here are some of the videos and highlights for future reference:

The official corporate press announcement: http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/features/201…
Jason Z
May 28, 2011
New Parameter Management System for Hieroglyph 3
As described in my last entry (which seems like it was ages ago), I have been overhauling my parameter system in an attempt to speed things up when it comes to configuring the rendering pipeline for a particular draw call. The overall process is fairly automated already, but I wanted to try to min…
Jason Z
March 06, 2011
Managing Rendering Parameters
All rendering frameworks need to define and manage rendering data that is used to configure the rendering pipeline. The simplest example of this is an object supplying its world transform before it is rendered so that it appears in the right place in a render target. Of course, there are many mor…
Jason Z
February 27, 2011
Project Collaboration Tools
Over the course of approximately 1 year, Matt, Jack, and I have been working on 'Practical Rendering and Computation with Direct3D 11' (or PRaCwD3D11 for short ) at varying levels of intensity. Matt is currently living in California, Jack lives in the U.K., and I'm currently living in Germany. An…
Jason Z
February 21, 2011
The beginning of the end...
[heading]Practical Rendering and Computation with Direct3D 11[/heading]
That's the title of our forthcoming book - Matt Pettineo, Jack Hoxley, and myself have been slaving away at this project for quite some time now. After a very long process, we have finally managed to get to a point in our book …
Jason Z
January 01, 2011
Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011

At the end of the year, I usually like to sit back and think about the things that I have accomplished in the past year, and also begin planning out what goals I will have for the coming year. 2010 was quite a year for me, in which I finished my Masters degree, released my …
Jason Z
December 28, 2010
Particle Storm II
Particle Storm II

After working like mad on the book, I have been squeezing in time to continue tweaking my particle system demo. I think it is fairly close to being finished now... I made a simple texture to apply to the particles, and use additive blending to write them onto the render target. …
Jason Z
December 05, 2010
A particle storm...

A particle storm...

I've been working non-stop on our book, and its starting to take a toll on me... I've been sick for the past two or three days. So I am taking the evening off from writing for the book, and instead am writing in this journal [grin]. Actually, I've been meaning to update here a…
Jason Z
October 26, 2010
AMD Evergreen Architecture

AMD Evergreen Architecture

I saw in the AMD developer newsletter that there was a video about the Evergreen Architecture. It was about 20 minutes, and in particular the second half of it was fairly interesting and discusses some of the threading issues for keeping the GPU busy. I actually didn't h…
Jason Z
October 22, 2010
D3D11 Pipeline - In Depth...

D3D11 Pipeline - In Depth...

I haven't had too much time lately to come around, and haven't really posted much in this journal. I have been keeping a fairly strict schedule of working on our book, but decided to take a bit of a break get some info into the journal. Over the past two weeks I have b…
Jason Z
October 04, 2010
MVP Part 2

MVP Part 2

I've been on vacation for the past week (and the previous weekend too), and haven't really made much progress on a development front. However, over the past two weeks I made it to Paris, Zurich, Milan, Rome, Florence, Innsbruck, and back to Stuttgart - it was a very busy time, but I had …

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